The EZTraitor ( Saga Continues!

There’s a story to all this. If you haven’t read the original post, please read it here

Wireless Thermometer Hacking for Home Brew Beer!

When hacking and beer can come together into one single moment, you know you’re having a good day!

How to Cancel an Account or NOT

Below is a chat log between myself and !Helpful, an Account Manager (customer service really). To censor this person’s name I have replaced it with something a little more descriptive (!Helpful). Those non-coder types should know that the bang (!) is geek speak for “NOT”!

The Green Bay Packers are Super Bowl XLV Champions!

It’s been since 1996 and the Green Bay Packers have brought back the Lombardi trophy back home! I’ve been itching to purchase some Packer attire since early this season but I’ve held off. Now, I’m feeling the need to go purchase some Super Bowl XLV Championship hoodies! This is the first time they’ve won the Super Bowl since I’ve been following the NFL. It’s great to feel like we (the fans) are a part of it! Go Pack!

How to Tell if PowerShell is 32-bit or 64-bit

If you use a 64-bit OS it may not be clear which version of PowerShell you are using. 64-bit Windows will have both a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version of PowerShell installed. Having both versions installed may seem pointless, but it’s not.